504-457-8814 | tina@designyoursuccess.com


You’ve got courage. You’ve got great skills. You get things done. You took that step – you started your own business or finally asked for the promotion! Your business and career have been growing, but it’s been a struggle. What if you had me, an experienced executive coach and business advisor, as your secret weapon? Someone who has been there, done that and can give you just-in-time advice. I can help you focus on both the strategic and practical solutions to get the results you want to break through to that elusive next level.

Whether you’re a solopreneur, an entrepreneur in growth mode or a small business that is working to diversify, hiring me could be your answer. I can help you focus on both the strategic and practical solutions to get the results you want.

When you hire me, it is like having a business advisor at your disposal. I care about your success. I can help you see things that may be right in front of you. 

I can help you with a range of topics that can absolutely help you grow both strategically and practically:

• Managing business growth by putting together the right team

• Determining whether existing team members “have what it takes”

• Making adjustments to your office culture

• Getting your leaders ready for what you need them to do next

• Creating an environment for you to work “on” your business instead of “in” your business

With my experience as a Female CEO Roundtable facilitator, my former corporate career, I’ve probably seen and heard everything, and I love helping other women thrive. Are you ready for business growth and greater success?

Click here to take Your Resilience Quiz and then let’s schedule a time to discuss your results!