Happy Personal Independence Day! According to Wikepedia, Independence Day in the United States is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 the date on which the United States formally separated from Great Britain.
The significance of this holiday causes me to reflect on the concept of personal independence. In the U.S., it’s a day for families and friends to gather and celebrate being together. So, how did our founders feel when the United States separated from Great Britain? I bet they felt freedom – the freedom to grow with their own ideals and vision for this country. This separation paved the way for great change.
So what does this have to do with you, besides enjoying a picnic, cookout, maybe a hot dog, and some fun? When you break away from something that is oppressive or no longer serves you, that feeling of independence can be so powerful! With independence comes growth – often breakthrough personal growth for you!
[Tweet “With independence comes growth – often breakthrough personal growth for you!”]
When you are in a relationship that is going nowhere and you finally break away, perhaps there is a period of grieving, but then you experience the realization that you can spread your wings on your own and look for someone who is a better fit. That’s your own Declaration of Independence!
When you are in a job that no longer fits you or doesn’t provide the satisfaction or challenge you desire and you finally make a change, you begin to enjoy the new challenge and wonder why you didn’t make a change sooner! That’s your own Declaration of Independence!
When you start your own business with nothing but the seed of an idea and follow your passion with conviction, you can enjoy being your own boss. When you follow your heart and wake up every day knowing you made the right decision, that’s your own Declaration of Independence!
At the root of your particular Declaration of Independence is your independence from the thoughts and beliefs that hold you back. You see, your circumstances are what they are, but it is how you perceive and translate them into thoughts and behaviors that can cause you such distress.
When you declare independence from thoughts that really aren’t true for you or those that simply reflect what you fear will happen – only then can you truly be free to be independent and ready for positive change!
I work with women every day who really want to be set free and have independence from the thoughts that hold them back! They want to break their old patterns and experience the breakthrough personal growth they crave!
Now it’s your turn:
- When have you declared personal independence for yourself? And what was your result?
- When have you experienced breakthrough personal growth after getting out of a situation that no longer served you?
- What thoughts still hold you back?
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I’m a Life and Business Coach working with successful women who have reached a plateau and are ready to shift their lifestyle to something more meaningful. I’m committed to this movement – and to help women break old patterns! I’d LOVE to stay connected with you so we can stay in touch and you can receive new editions when they are published. And feel free to share if this resonated with you!